Mamahuhu is a popular online comedy series that follows the lives of expats living in Shanghai and the humorous cross-cultural situations they encounter. The channel features a diverse cast of Chinese and foreign actors and has gained a large following both in China and internationally.
Production notes
Mamahuhu was a collaborative effort among a group of friends based in Shanghai, China, led by creator Alessio Avezzano. The show featured regular appearances from a talented cast of actors and writers, including Matthew McGill, Johnny Tian, Charlie Cooper, Andy Curtain, Zach Etkind, Adam Hamilton, Jorge Castellanos, Norah Yang, and more. The YouTube channel emerged in the midst of Shanghai's rise as an international hub for comedy, with the team capturing the essence of life as an expat in China through their unique blend of humour and storytelling.
Several members of the Mamahuhu team have gone on to find further success in the entertainment industry. Andy Curtain, for example, started the first comedy club in China, which gave birth to a brand new comedy scene. He now leads comedy for Live Nation in Australasia. Zach Etkind's Donnie Does character became an international sensation, leading him to be recruited by Barstool Sports. Archibald McColl, famous for his portrayal of the Russian English teacher, went on to co-star in Cathy Yan's Dead Pigs and recently appeared in a Liquid Death commercial alongside Travis Barker. Norah Yang, a member of the Chinese cast, has become a comedy powerhouse in China. Alessio and Matthew as we know, went on to make Islelanders for BBC Studios.
The show's relatable and engaging stories explored the nuances and challenges of life as an expat in China, blending improv and scripted scenes to create a unique and authentic experience. The team's ability to evolve and adapt their storytelling to reflect the changing landscape of online comedy also played a significant role in their success.