A Journey Through the American Football League of China is an immersive documentary series that follows Barstool Sports' Wonton Don as he embarks on an exhilarating adventure with the Shanghai Warriors. As a team player, Donnie delves deep into the heart of American football in China, showcasing the passion, determination, and camaraderie that drive this thriving sports league. From gruelling practices to hard-fought victories, join Wonton Don on this captivating odyssey as he offers an inside look into the fascinating world of the AFLC and the unique cross-cultural experiences that come with it.
Production notes
Barstool Sports is a powerhouse digital media company that revolutionised sports and pop culture coverage, delivering cutting-edge content through its diverse range of podcasts, blogs, and videos, all with an unmistakable, irreverent twist that captivates millions of fans worldwide.
Before joining Barstool Sports, Donnie had already garnered a significant following for his videos that explored various aspects of Chinese culture, from food and sports to local customs. His authentic approach and willingness to immerse himself in the experiences he shared resonated with his audience, propelling his popularity. In the production of "Dragon Skin," Donnie collaborated with filmmaker Alessio Avezzano, with whom he has a long history of working on various projects in China. Together, they documented Donnie's journey as he joined the Shanghai Warriors and participated in the American Football League of China. Alessio accompanied Donnie and the team as they toured and played against other teams across the country. This 9-part series was lovingly crafted, capturing the passion and determination of the players, as well as the absurd yet endearing situations the team encounter in China. The combination of Donnie's larger than life personality and his firsthand experiences in the AFLC offered viewers a unique insight into the fascinating world of the league and the cross-cultural experiences that shape it. The series quickly gained popularity among the Barstool Sports audience, putting the Shanghai Warriors and their success on the map.